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General Sales Conditions


These conditions of sale apply to all transactions concluded through the website and applications used on


1 / The seller:

Aurore Capone

80 rue des Chênes

34270 Sauteyrargues


MDA number: 37115

SIRET number: 789 385 549 00025


2 / The client:

Any natural or legal person making an order validated via our secure payment platform from the shop on the “” site.

This one declares to be at least 18 years old and to have the legal capacity, or to hold parental authorization, of guardianship to carry out this order.

3 / The order :

Any order placed with the "" store implies full and unreserved acceptance of these general conditions of sale.

The risk incurred is the cancellation of the order if the TDCs are not respected.

The paintings or other products remain the property of Aurore Capone until full payment of the price, regardless of the date of delivery of the product.

The sale becomes effective only after full reception, and validation of payment by the seller "Aurore Capone".

The customer will receive immediately after entering the order a confirmation email which will include the order number, order specifications, total amount, billing and delivery addresses.


4 / the price:

The price is indicated in euros, orders are invoiced and paid only in euros.

Where an equivalent is given in another currency, it is for guidance only.

VAT is not applicable according to article 293B of the general tax code (CGI notice, however, they will be invoiced on the basis in force at the time of registration of the order.

In  in the event of an order to a country other than mainland France, customs duties or other local taxes (local VAT, import duties, etc.) may be payable and are the sole responsibility of the customer and are their responsibility. full responsibility both in terms of declaration and payment to the competent authorities.


5 / the payment:

It is payable immediately in full, in cash, on the date of the order made via the site

It is done via the site by paypal or credit card by stripe or transfer.

For payments by Stripe, you must indicate your card number, its validity date and the last 3 digits of the cryptogram on the back of it. The debit in euros will be done at the time of the order. When paying with Stripe, their general conditions of use (T & Cs) apply.

For Paypal payments, you must have a sufficient Paypal balance to cover the amount of any payment you make.  When paying with Paypal, their T & Cs apply.

For payments by wire transfer, Aurore Capone's bank account details will appear in the order acknowledgment.

Please note, bank charges linked to payment by using one of these means are the sole responsibility of the customer.

In the event of a payment incident, Aurore Capone reserves the right to suspend or cancel the order.


The customer is subject to the conditions of these payment systems.

The information transmitted is encrypted and cannot be read during transport on the network. Any guarantee as to the security of this system is entirely the responsibility of the bank and cannot be attributed to us.

We are the sole owners of the information collected on this site. Your personal information will not be sold, exchanged, transferred, or given to any other company for any reason, without your consent, other than what is necessary to fulfill a request and / or a transaction, such as by example to ship an order.

Regarding payment information, the third parties used (paypal, stripe, etc.) have access to your information only to validate your payment.

No banking information is kept.

Regarding payments made outside the site (transfer, cash), they will be considered effective once it has been validated by our banking partner as well as by Aurore Capone herself.

Once this has been validated, Aurore Capone will send the order.


6 / Delivery:

Shipments will be made either by post via colissimo against signature or with the transport broker MBE (Mail Box Etc). Delivery will be made within 2 weeks, to the delivery address you have indicated, so pay attention to the accuracy of your contact details. To this deadline must be added that of the carrier.

Shipping costs are free for Metropolitan France.

7 / Cancellation and return conditions:

Regarding products, the consumer protection law of France asks us to give you 14 days to exercise your right of withdrawal without having to justify reasons or pay penalties with the exception of return costs. Of course, in the case of a return of a product, it must be returned in the same condition as when it was sold. If problems have occurred in transport, the seller is not held responsible but undertakes to take the necessary steps in collaboration with the buyer with the carrier to obtain compensation.

Be careful in the event of a refund request if you are not satisfied, depending on the online payment platform you have chosen, fees may be kept (see the conditions of the platform), and under no circumstances , Aurore Capone is responsible for these charges and will not reimburse them to customers.

To make your refund request, you must notify Aurore Capone within 14 clear days of receipt, by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt to the seller's address and provide all the information that will be necessary to process your request (name, order number, email, postal address, etc.)

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