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oeuvre abstraite aurore capone artiste franaise contemporaine intuitive et spirituelle
aurore capone artiste art abtrait
aurore capone artiste peintre art abstrait intuitif contemprain france
aurore capone artiste peintre francaise spécialisée en art abstrait intuitif contemporain
aurore capone artiste art abstrait intuitif contemporain france
artiste francaise aurore capone spécialisée en art abstrait intuitif contemporain dans son atelier

Capturing the unspeakable:

intuitive painting as the language of the soul

Bienvenue dans mon univers abstrait contemporain moderne intuitif et spirituel

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Aurore Capone, Contemporary Painter

Dans l'acte de peindre, les mots se taisent et laissent place à l'intuition. La peinture intuitive  est une danse de l'âme, où la toile devient un miroir de l'inconscient. Les formes prennent vie, les couleurs s'entrelacent, les énergies fusionnent

Unique contemporary abstract paintings in acrylic and mixed media

In his creations abstract, modern contemporary and spiritual, the artist Aurore Capone tells you about a life strewn with joy, pain, beautiful encounters and questioning.

But she leaves it up to each of you to listen to her soul.

Painter Aurore Capone wants you to make her paintings your own original,authentic to dream, escape, imagine, explore what is happening within you.

His abstract paintings are a look into your interiority.

Do not hesitate any longer, enter the spiritual, abstract universe and  contemporary by the artist Aurore Capone, and let yourself be carried away by your emotions aroused through her colorful abstract paintings.

In regards to

My name is Aurore Capone, I am a French painter specializing in abstract art. It is in a small village in the heart of the Hérault garrigue, at the foot of the Pic Saint Loup that I set up my workshop.

Mainly colorful and modern, my paintings reveal thanks to free gestures my passionate temperament, my vital energy, but also my fragility and my sensitivity.

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Cecile D

What a beautiful soul....

Honored to know such a beautiful person...

It is so obvious then to see the splendor and humanity spring from your paintings...

Eric D

Magical, tortured, inhabited, how many souls inhabit your works.

An invitation to travel your works are.

Muriel A

Aurore, Magical Artist who can make you forget a difficult moment with her art and her words. Traveled through his works and for me an appeasement ... Whether the painting is colorful, dark or tagged ... there is always a message.

© copyright 2021 Aurore Capone, Contemporary Painter Montpellier France - Abstract Art

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